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Moment hotel worker gets revenge on sunbed hoggers in Majorca

Emily Brown

| Last updated

Got any holidays coming up? What are you looking forward to most? Maybe the sunshine, or the beach... or maybe the fight to try and get a decent sunbed in the morning?

I don't know exactly how long the race to get a sunbed onholidayhas been going on for, but since trips abroad are usually one of the only chancesBritsget to relax in some reliablesunshine, I imagine it's been going on for as long as overseas travel, and sunbeds, have existed.

I can sense the people wanting to get their hands on these sunbeds. Credit: Pexels
I can sense the people wanting to get their hands on these sunbeds. Credit: Pexels

Regardless, one thing's for sure; the rise of social media has definitely brought more attention to thechaos that surrounds sunbeds.


People seem to be getting up earlier and earlier in order to throw a towel on the bed before breakfast, and though some hotels have decided to close their pool areas to stop the reservations, crafty holidaymakers arestill coming up with waysaround it.

It seems like there's just no stopping tourists from unleashing their towels, so one hotel in Majorca decided to take action.

TikTokerJohn McGowan was relaxing in the sun at the hotel when he saw the process unfold, spotting a man who apparently works at the hotel walking through the sunbeds with some empty plastic bags.

When he arrived at two empty, but 'reserved', beds in front of McGowan, the worker set about neatly folding up the towels which had been thrown down before placing them each into their own plastic bags.

The worker respectfully folded up the towels. Credit: TikTok/@perfectpicx
The worker respectfully folded up the towels. Credit: TikTok/@perfectpicx

The man collected up an inflatable flamingo which had also been used as a ploy to make the bed look in use, and carried the whole lot away to some mysterious location. Probably just a cupboard, but we don't know for sure.

McGowan soundtracked the video with the sound of police sirens, describing the worker as the 'towel police' and adding: "Bit of Justice served today."

Though the owners of the towels probably wouldn't have been too happy to learn their beds had been taken away, TikTok users praised the hotel worker for the respectful way he dealt with their items.


"Well done to this resort, hope others take note, might make peoples hols less stressful if towel dash don’t happen anymore," one viewer wrote.

Another added: "Hotels should do it everywhere. I will give this worker good tips!"

Hopefully the people who'd reserved the beds will have learned their lesson after having their towels removed... but let's be honest, the fight for sunbeds is far from over.


Emily Brown
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