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Amber Heard Appears Distraught As Johnny Depp’s Explicit Text Read Out In Court

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Amber Heard Appears Distraught As Johnny Depp’s Explicit Text Read Out In Court

Amber Heardappeared to visibly react as a graphic text message sent by Johnny Depp was read out in court.

TheAquamanstar has beentaken to court by her ex-husbandover an op-ed she wrote in 2018 in which she claimed she had suffered domestic abuse in the past.

Depp is suing her for $50 million, claiming that even though he was not named in the piece, he was identifiable, and says it damaged his career. Heard is countersuing Depp for $100 million.

The 58-year-old actor took to the stand once again this week to give further evidence about their relationship, and during a tense exchange with Heard's legal team, a text message sent from Depp to his former agent, Christian Carino, was read aloud.


It said: "She's begging for total global humiliation... She's gonna got it. I'm gonna need your texts about San Francisco, brother... I'm even sorry to ask.

"But, she sucked Mollusk's crooked d**k and he gave her some s****y lawyers. I have no mercy, no fear and not an ounce of emotion, or what I once thought was love for this gold digging, low level, dime a dozen, mushy, pointless dangling overused flappy fish market. I'm so f**king happy she wants to go to fight this out!!! She will hit the wall hard!!! And I cannot wait to have this waste of a c*m guzzler out of my life!!!

"I met a f**king sublime little Russian here... Which made me realize the time I blew on that 50 cent stripper. I wouldn't touch her with a goddam glove.


"I can only hope that karma kicks in and takes the gift of breath from her... Sorry, man... But, NOW, I will stop at nothing !!! Let's see if mollusk has a pair. Come see me face to face. I'll show him things he's never seen before. Like, the other side of his d**k when I slice it off."

Heard appeared upset by the text message. Credit: Law and Crime
Heard appeared upset by the text message. Credit: Law and Crime

As the message was read out, Heard appeared to become quite upset.

Attempting to explain why he used the language he did, Depp said that it was due to the 'ugly' things he was being accused of having done.


He said: "When you are accused of horrific acts and thing you have not done, when actually it is some very ugly things are going out there into the world about you, you get very irate and angry.

"You do wonder why this person is doing this to me."

Earlier today (25 May), Depp claimed thathe had never sexually assaulted anyone.

As the direct examination concluded, Depp described how Heard’s testimony has affected him, saying her claims are 'ridiculous, humiliating, ludicrous, painful, savage, unimaginably brutal, cruel, and all false'.

Depp said he used the language because of what his ex-wife was claiming he had done to her. Credit: Law and Crime
Depp said he used the language because of what his ex-wife was claiming he had done to her. Credit: Law and Crime

He continued: "No human being is perfect, certainly not – none of us – but I have never, in my life, committed sexual battery, physical abuse.

"All these outlandish, outrageous stories of me committing these things, and living with it for six years and waiting to be able to bring the truth out.


Featured Image Credit:Law And Crime Network

Topics:Johnny Depp,Amber Heard,US News

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