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Happy Gilmore star Christopher McDonald warns comedian not to call him Shooter McGavin

Tom Wood

| Last updated

Actor Christopher McDonald – who you’d probably recognise better from his performance as Shooter McGavin inHappy Gilmore– ‘stormed’ off a podcast because he hates being called Shooter McGavin when he’s not in character.

OK, so it’s all a big joke, co-ordinated betweenMcDonaldand fellow comedianMichael Rapaportfor his podcast, but you could easily see how it might get annoying if someone just remembered you fromone role years agoand called you by thename of that characterwhen you’ve got a perfectly good real name.

Appearing on Rapaport’sI Am Rapaport Stereo Podcast,the 68-year-old comedian and actor sat down for his interview before being called‘Shooter McGavin’by the host.

“Well, my name is Chris McDonald, but I’ll answer to Shooter McGavin I guess…” he said.


The host followed up: “Shooter, I am so glad to have you…”

Christopher McDonald played Shooter McGavin in Happy Gilmore. Credit: TikTok/Michael Rapaport
Christopher McDonald played Shooter McGavin in Happy Gilmore. Credit: TikTok/Michael Rapaport

McDonald cut in: “Micheal – really great to be here – just call me Chris, it’ll be fine.

“Or Christopher or Mr McDonald, or something.


“Because I get that every day and I’m glad you’re a fan of the movie, that makes my heart sing, but enough, OK?

“We could talk about other stuff, we’re both actors, we’ve played these parts, so lets…”

Rapaport responded: “So you’re saying I can’t call you Shooter?”

This elicited a big sigh from McDonald.

McDonald in Happy Gilmore. Credit: Universal Pictures
McDonald in Happy Gilmore. Credit: Universal Pictures

“Call me Shooter if you have to, do you know my name?”

When Rapaport seemed perplexed, he said: “Shooter McGavin? No, it’s not, it’s Chris McDonald, you d***.

“F*** you, I’m done with this.


“You’re a s***head.”

Then, he was off.

At the end, Rapaport concluded: “Well, f*** it, we won’t do the podcast.”

In the end, they did – of course – do the podcast, it was all a big joke on the fact that most people recognise McDonald from the 1996 Adam Sandler movieHappy Gilmore, in which he played the nefarious golf champion – and Happy’s nemesis – McGavin.

McDonald eventually 'stormed off' the set. Credit: TikTok/Michael Rapaport
McDonald eventually 'stormed off' the set. Credit: TikTok/Michael Rapaport

To be fair, he has starred in loads of other films throughout his career, ones likeThelma & Louise,Grumpy Old Men,Flubber– alongside Robin Williams – andAbout Last Night.

He was also nominated for a Primetime Emmy for his guest role in comedy seriesHacksjust last year.

But hey, people remember what they remember, and he’ll always be Shooter McGavin fromHappy Gilmoreto some people.

Honestly, he should just accept that, because it’s more recognition than 99 percent of us will ever get in our lives.

Topics:TV and Film,Celebrity

Tom Wood
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