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Eddie Izzard officially changes name on passport after preferring new feminine name

Anish Vij

| Last updated

Eddie Izzard officially changes name on passport after preferring new feminine name

Eddie Izzard has officially changed her name on her passport, saying: "I prefer her but I don't mind being Eddie."

Thecomedienne- who identifies as being gender fluid - also revealed she's wanted to change her name since the age of 10.

She made the bold decision to get her name changed officially so people won't make a mistake by calling her 'Eddie'. Watch below:



The 61-year-old, who recently featured on anepisodeofLorraine,explained what led her to the name-change.

Speaking about her new name, the performer said: "When I was 10, I just loved the name. Suzy.

"It's got Edward John in my passport so I just thought what if I add Suzy in there.

"When people are not sure what to say, I say I prefer Suzy but I don't mind Eddie. I prefer her but I don't mind being Eddie.


"No one can make a mistake with me unless they call me Gregory or Sabrina and then that's not quite right."

Eddie Izzard has officially changed her name on her passport. Credit: ITV
Eddie Izzard has officially changed her name on her passport. Credit: ITV

Izzard, who adopted the pronoun 'she' and 'her' in 2020, made the announcement of her name-change onThe Political Partypodcast.

Sheexplained: "I’m Eddie. There’s another name I’m going to add in as well, which is Suzy, which I wanted to be since I was 10.


"I’m going to be Suzy Eddie Izzard, that’s how I’m going to roll.

"People can choose what they want. They can’t make a mistake, they can’t go wrong. I make mistakes with my own pronouns."

Discussing the subject in an interviewwithHuffPost UK published in 2021, Izzard said: "I spent 50 years predominantly in boy mode, so let's try the next 50 in girl mode."

"It's just a language adjustment," she added. "And no one should get het up about it."

The comedienne - who identifies as being gender fluid - has wanted to change her name since the age of 10. Credit: ITV
The comedienne - who identifies as being gender fluid - has wanted to change her name since the age of 10. Credit: ITV

She continued: "I'm still gender fluid and I tell everyone that's supported me, 'Relax people, he or she, it doesn't really matter.'

"The pronoun thing isn't the important thing, the important thing was coming out [as trans] back in 1985, that was the tough time."

When Izzard first announced her preferred pronouns, she was hailed a 'trailblazer' on social media afterPortrait Artist of the Yearaired on Sky Arts back in 2020.


One person said: "Just discovered Eddie Izzard now uses she/her pronouns. Love you, Eddie. Thanks for being a trailblazer."

Another added: "Good for Eddie Izzard asking for the pronouns she/her to be used so publicly."

And a third wrote: "I love Eddie Izzard and hope she gets everything she wants in this life."

Featured Image Credit:Ken McKay / ITV/ Shutterstock / Broadway World / Shutterstock


Anish Vij
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