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Ross Kemp Reveals The Most Dangerous Place He's Ever Been

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Ross Kemp Reveals The Most Dangerous Place He's Ever Been

Ross Kemp has visited some of the most dangerous places in the world; continually finding himself caught up in gun-fire, gangsters and actual war, or as he puts it: 'I have an uncanny knack of being in the wrong place at the right time'.

Iraq, the Congo, Libya, the West Bank - not your typical list of ideal holiday destinations, but not quite content with the amount of times he's put his life on the line he's back with a new series ofExtreme Worldand it looks sick.

This time, he's checking out the Spice problem in the West Bank, looking at race hate in the US and experiencing Philippines' president Rodrigo Duterte's bloody war on drugs first hand. I can't wait for this.


Credit: Ross Kemp: Extreme World/Sky One

But, let's face it, we all want to know where's the most dangerous place Ross has ever been, don't we?

Ross told LADbible: "Probably being in the middle of Afghanistan in 2009 to 2010. It was when the British forces were really getting absolutely it. It was just constant.

"Every morning, from about 8am the air was so full of lead and it went all day. There were IEDs all over the place. Forces were dying, civilians were dying, Taliban were dying. There was just a lot of people getting killed.


"Looking back now, with hindsight, I can see that our lives were continually under threat. Every single day."

He also had a bit of a worrying warning: "The future is probably the most dangerous place. The world is getting more extreme; we can see that every day."

In the first episode of the new series, Ross is in Texas, where he looks into the rise of hate groups, such as the KKK.


Credit: Ross Kemp: Extreme World/Sky One

He continued: "Over in America you have a president with very divisive, in some ways, extreme views and that has helped groups who would usually be on the periphery of society have a more stable platform and allowed them to express their own extreme views to a wider audience.

"I've been spending time in the US since the late 80s, and I've never seen a bigger racial divide than now. I'm not saying that there's necessarily going to be armed conflict on the street, but I've never seen the gap more pronounced than now."

The groups that he meets aren't messing about either; when Ross attended a protest march, he found himself surrounded by military-style weaponry.


Credit: Ross Kemp: Extreme World/Sky One

"What I wasn't prepared for," Ross continued.

"Was out of the 40 of them that turned up, 15 are carrying automatic, long-weapons with hundreds of rounds of ammunition. And then when the anti-fascism protesters turn up there's about 20 of them with automatic weapons, and then you've got armed State Troopers, snipers on roofs and me in the middle of it all..."


Ross Kemp: Extreme World starts on Sunday 9th July at 9 on Sky1.

Featured Image Credit:Ross Kemp: Extreme World/Sky One

Topics:ross kemp

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