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Antonio Banderas Had Heart Attack In January But Says It's Not Serious

Michael Minay

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Antonio Banderas Had Heart Attack In January But Says It's Not Serious

It doesn't sound like 2017 started too well for Antonio Banderas. The Spaniard has revealed that he suffered a heart attack in January.

The Shrek star toldAssociated Pressthe news of the scare while at a film festival in his hometown of Malaga, Spain.

He was there to collect a lifetime achievement award to recognise his success in Hollywood and helping to pave the way for other Spanish actors.

Banderas, who has a home in Surrey, told journalists: "I suffered a heart attack on January 26, but it wasn't serious and hasn't caused any damage."


He said he'd felt "agonising pains" in his chest whilst exercising.

Credit: PA

The resulting operation means he now has three stents inserted but remained defiant that "it hasn't been as dramatic as some have written."


Banderas had previously told The Sun of an "episode" at his home in England, which resulted in him being taken to hospital, but kept the 'heart-attack' line as a secret until now.

He later went on praise the doctors who had treated him - applauding their fantastic service.

With his appearance at the film festival, and a snap of him and his girlfriend, Nicole Kimpel, on twitter, his fans will be reassured that it is largely nothing to worry about.

His tweet included that he was "enjoying nature after a small scare."


"I am not a party person any more so I have the space and peace to write and really get inside my own head," he said of his current work and his lifestyle in the English countryside.

Banderas is now working on writing scripts after a busy acting career.

It all started in 1982 when he appeared in Spanish-speaking filmLabertino de pasiones. His English breakthrough came in 1992 filmThe Mambo Kingsbut it was the 1998The Mask of Zorrowhere he came to the forefront.

His comedy work as Puss in Boots inShrekresulted in its own spin-off in 2011.


Credit: DreamWorks TV

He plays a lead role inSecurity- an American action thriller which is due for release in 2017.

The options for an alternative career move is also on the cards as we may even have our next David Attenborough on our hands. Banderas admitted: "I love watching the deer and foxes that come into my garden."


If there's ever a Planet Earth 3 - reckon he could narrate it?

Featured Image Credit:PA


Michael Minay
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