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Want To See The Moment Harrison Ford Punched Ryan Gosling In The Face?

Claire Reid

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Want To See The Moment Harrison Ford Punched Ryan Gosling In The Face?

While doing the rounds of promo interviews forBlade Runner 2049Ryan Gosling let slip that his co-star Harrison Ford punched him right in the face.

Speaking to Graham Norton on his show, the pair joked about the moment that Ford actually made contact with Gosling, with Norton sharing a shot of the aftermath of the punch:

Credit: BBC/The Graham Norton Show


In case you missed it, this is a still showing the exact moment:

Credit: Twitter/@golazodan

Ooo you can feel that, can't you?


I think we need to make a special mention of Ford's face here, too:

He told Norton that look is: "Oh shit, I'm in deep doo-doo."

Gushing about working with such an iconic actor - he's Indiana Jones AND Han Solo, for fuck's sake - Gosling toldnews.co.au: "He's in a class of his own. We all should be so lucky if a little bit of that magic rubs off on us."


Before adding: "It's his punches you have to look out for."

Speaking toGood Morning Britain's Richard Arnold Ford said he threw about 99 fake punches, before accidentally making contact. Well, that's still pretty good going, I guess. One mistake out of a hundred.

The pair star in Bladerunner 2049. Credit: Warner Bros


Ford previously told GQthat the punch was mostly Gosling's fault.

He said: "His job was to be out of the range of the punch. My job was also to make sure that I pulled the punch. But we were moving, and the camera was moving, so I had to be aware of the angle to the camera to make the punch look good. You know, I threw about a hundred punches in the shooting of it, and I only hit him once."

It's gone up to hundred punches, here. I'm starting to think he's just trying to cover his arse.

The punch didn't make it into the final cut of the movie, which is kind of a shame, because as good as an actor as Gosling is, he's not going to be able to replicate a reaction like that.


Sources:news.co.au;GQ; The Graham Norton Show

Featured Image Credit:BBC/The Graham Norton Show

Topics:Ryan Gosling

Claire Reid
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