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People Are Seriously Worried About Woman Trying ‘Rihanna’s’ Eating Trend

Tom Wood

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People Are Seriously Worried About Woman Trying ‘Rihanna’s’ Eating Trend

People have been issuing warnings to a woman who decided to eat mango that had been dipped in the ocean afterRihannahad been spotted enjoying the bizarre food hack. Take a look at the strange snacking hack below:


Yes, it’s a strange sentence, but we live in a strange world, so bear with us.

Basically, it seems as if Rihanna recently decided to dip a bit of mango in the sea whilst she was on holiday in her native Barbados with her partner, A$AP Rocky.


Because Rihanna did it – and people are susceptible to that sort of thing – a load of other people have tried it, including a woman namedDamarys拍摄自己的人试一试。

Here's Rihanna dipping a mango in the ocean, triggering a viral food trend online. Credit: Backgrid
Here's Rihanna dipping a mango in the ocean, triggering a viral food trend online. Credit: Backgrid

She captioned her tweet: "Went to Roatan to dip my mango in the ocean like Rihanna! And it’s so good!!!" and of course, her video attracted quite a lot of attention, with people explaining to her why she shouldn't be doing this.

Some are concerned about bacteria and illness, with one writing: “Tried this on vacation and it was the best digestive cleanse I’ve had in my life.


“Hospitalized for 3 days and needed an IV but lost 15 lbs and released every toxin in my body.”

Another said: “Ewww no, not to mention people spit, piss, fart, sneeze in the water..then you have certain bacteria floating around..I can’t make this up."

One pointed out: "A lot of people justifying her actions with 'but water would get in your mouth if you went into the ocean' like yeah but I ain’t purposely doing it am I."


However, not everyone agrees with that hypothesis.

Someone else said: “Let’s be honest lol you get in the ocean, salt water goes in your mouth, it’s inevitable unless you glue your mouth shut.

“I don’t see how adding a piece of fruit (not in American ocean) suddenly make y’all worry bout bacteria?”

It’s definitely a galaxy brain debate, that’s for sure.


An amateur gastronomist chimed in: “No s**t its good, saltiness complements sweetness.

It’s why I put just a pinch of salt in the few desserts I make myself.


“Also that water is clear as f***, bacteria or other things shouldn't be an issue so long as sanitation in nearby buildings is properly managed.”

Well, for all of those who are pretty freaked out from the trend, Rihanna justified her actions and explained toVoguerecently that it’s not an unusual thing to do in Barbados.

She said: "In Barbados we take our fruits to the ocean and soak them. Trust me, it really is a thing."

Featured Image Credit:Twitter/Backgrid

Topics:Rihanna,Weird,Celebrity,旅行,Food And Drink

Tom Wood
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