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Fans think Chandler and Monica moved into the Home Alone house in Friends

Anish Vij

| Last updated

Fans think Chandler and Monica moved into the Home Alone house in Friends

What if we told you that Chandler and Monica may have moved into theHome Alonehouse without barely anybody noticing for 12 years. Watch below if you don't believe us:


FellowFriendsfans will be aware of just how much time we invest in re-watching the show againandagain.

Many of us probably know the show better than the actual cast - so it's quite incredible how we missed this one.


Remember in the final season (2004) when the newly married Bings decided to break our hearts and move out of their Manhattan apartment to go live on their own?

Well, as pointed out byTikToker@kazascoot, when the couple went to see a particular suburban home, it looks very much like it could be the same house used in the 1990's Christmas classic.

Credit: @kazascoot/TikTok
Credit: @kazascoot/TikTok

Although the McCallisters lived in Chicago, and Monica and Chandler stayed in New York, you can see from windows of the Bings' future home that the surroundings were the same as inHome Alone.


As shown in the clip above, if you take a look at the window view from the Bings' living room, you'll notice a blue garage, which matches the same garage from the 90s film.

If that's not enough proof, if you look at when Kevin flies out of his home on a sleigh, he lands opposite another house with a wreath on the door.

That same door can be spotted from the hallway ofChandler and Monica's new crib.

Credit: @kazascoot/TikTok
Credit: @kazascoot/TikTok

Production company 22 Vision claim thatFriendsproducers used stock footage from Home Alone to make the neighbourhood outside the Bings' house, which would explain why it looks like they moved into the McCallister gaff.

Viewers have been losing their mind over the footage, with one fan commenting: "There is no freakin' way that they could afford The McCallister house. Considering they spent Chandler's life savings on their wedding."

Another viewer blew out minds with the following theory: "MaybeFriendsis aHome Aloneprequel, and the Bings turn out to be the neglecting parents."



"That’s why Joey was so mad they moved! Chicago isn’t exactly a short train ride from NYC ," a third joked.

Credit: @kazascoot/TikTok
Credit: @kazascoot/TikTok

Despite many in the comments disagreeing with the video, claiming that 'Friendsis in NY andHome Aloneis in Chicago', it seems that the home owners of the house opposite, which is in Winnetka, Illinois, has firmed up the whole situation back in 2016.

Digital Spyclaimsthat 22 Vision got in touch with the real owners of the house, who reportedly confirmed that it's the same home.


So there you go - mind blown.

Featured Image Credit:20th Century Fox/NBC

Topics:Friends,Home Alone,TV and Film

Anish Vij
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