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Daredevil Escaped From Inside Dead Cow By Crawling Out Its Bum

Poppy Bilderbeck

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Daredevil Escaped From Inside Dead Cow By Crawling Out Its Bum

A stuntmanhas opened up about one of his most gruesome escape acts out of a dead cow's bum.

Yes, you read that right. And no, I'm not talking aboutBear Grylls.

Welshescape artistJonathan Goodwindecided to put his skills to the test by getting himself free from the inside ofa cow.

Jonathan Goodwin escaped out of a cow's bum. Credit: Alamy
Jonathan Goodwin escaped out of a cow's bum. Credit: Alamy

Escaping from 50,000 bees clearly wasn't a big enough feat for Goodwin.

On Danny Wallace and Phil Hilton'sManatomypodcast, Goodwin explained: "Houdini was apparently sewn up inside a dead whale and tried to escape. I just thought, ‘That’s utterly arbitrary’.

"Normally an escape is based on something everybody knows it’s very difficult to escape from - like a prison or a safe or whatever.

"It just seemed so stupid, and so I had a bit of a search around, couldn’t find a whale so a cow was the next best thing."


However, the 42-year-old admitted the stunt was far from easy to orchestrate.

He said: "It was incredibly difficult, because it was at the tail end of the whole mad cow disease thing, so to get somebody to agree to give us a cow was not easy.



While Goodwin has tended to have to make 'compromises' in the process of 'getting the idea from [his] head to reality,' he reflected how the 'escape from the dead cow was exactly how [he] imagined'.

The escape artist said: "It was perfect. I was basically tied up and put inside it, and they laced it up like a big shoe - with legs.

"It was a very, very difficult thing to escape from. I couldn’t really breath in there and it was very heavy."


Goodwin managed to make his escape 'basically' via the cow's 'arse'.

He continued: "I managed to get my hand out of the cow and my dad, who’s an accidental comedy genius, walks over and shakes my hand through the arse of the cow.

"It was perfect."

Goodwin escaped through the cow's bum. Credit: Alamy
Goodwin escaped through the cow's bum. Credit: Alamy

The 42-year-old performed the stunt as part ofChannel 4'stelevision comedy programmeThe Seven Stupidest Things to Escape Fromwhich was released in 2005.

However, despite the channel having initially said it was a 'great' idea when he first pitched the stunt, Channel 4 eventually refused to air it.

"They saw it they went, ‘We can’t put that on television’," Goodwin said.

While the stunt may not have made the final cut to be shown on televisions across the nation, Goodwin still looks back at the escape act victoriously.

He concluded: "Channel 4 back in the day, that’s a badge of honour that they refused to show it, because they would do anything."

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Featured Image Credit:@jonathangoodwinofficial/Instagram/Shutterstock

Topics:动物,UK News

Poppy Bilderbeck
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