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Man flies to Italy and gets pizza for less than price of Domino's

Joe Harker

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Man flies to Italy and gets pizza for less than price of Domino's

If you think the price of a takeaway pizza is getting a little bit too expensive then one man flying to Italy and getting a pizza there for less than the price of a Domino's will probably have you convinced.

Everybody loves a goodpizzaand it's no surprise that the best ones come from Italy, the home of the delicious dish.

Sadly, Italy is quite far away so if you don't want to cook one for yourself then your best bet is probably getting a takeaway from nearby.

Or so we thought, as one man decided to see if he could go to Italy and buy a pizza for less than the cost of ordering one fromDomino'sand he actually managed to do it.


TikTokerCallum Ryan explained that his benchmark was a 'medium sized Domino's pizza' which he says would have cost him £19.99.

Callum flew to Italy and bought a pizza for less than the price of ordering a Dominos. Credit: TikTok/@thatonecal
Callum flew to Italy and bought a pizza for less than the price of ordering a Dominos. Credit: TikTok/@thatonecal

In the end he managed to fly over to Italy and buy a pizza there for less, and he even got a free glass of prosecco thrown in for good measure too.

As for how he managed it, Callum revealed that he'd managed to score an incredibly cheap last minute flight from London to Milan for just £8.


You wouldn't want to bet your holiday plans on getting such a cheap flight, but an aircraft with spare seats will often have some last minute deals which will let you get around the world for peanuts.

Getting the budget flight across Europe was really the clincher, as that left him plenty of money in the budget to go and find a pizza place once he'd touched down in Italy as areplacement for his Domino's.

Finding a lovely spot with a bit of help from his TikTok followers, Callum was treated to his free glass of prosecco and a 'pesto pizza thing' as a complimentary starter.


Ordering a Margherita from the place in Milan, the TikToker totted up the cost of the food and service which came to €11 (£9.27), and adding on the £8 the flight cost him he spent a total of £17.72 on his trip to Italy and getting a pizza there.

Compared to the cost of a medium pizza from Domino's which would have set him back £19.99 it looks like a bit of a steal.

However, plenty of people commented on Callum's video to say they could get a pizza from Domino's for much cheaper, and on their site Domino's say they can do medium pizzas for £10, which is still more expensive than a flight to Italy but wouldn't get you pizza in the end.

Others pointed out that Callum needed to factor in the cost of his return trip from Italy, unless he planned on living there forever, while someone else asked 'how much was the taxi to and from the airport' as another cost he could add on.

Featured Image Credit:@thatonecal

Topics:Food And Drink,TikTok

Joe Harker
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