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Never Before Seen Footage From 9/11 Has Just Appeared Online

Emily Puckering

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Never Before Seen Footage From 9/11 Has Just Appeared Online

Warning: Contains Footage Some Readers May Find Upsetting

A never before seen video showing the second plane hitting theWorld Trade Centeron September 11th, 2001 has just been uploaded online and it provides a horrifying angle of the devastating attack that many have been yet to witness. Take a look below:

自从其中一个已有20多年world's deadliest terrorist attackstook place in New York City and still, to this very day, haunting details of the attack that killed almost 3,000 people continue to reveal themselves.


And this new video is no exception.

9分钟的剪辑在2月24日在2月24日上载在YouTube上,显示了恐怖的时刻,这是第二架被劫持的飞机 -United Airlines flight 175- struck the World Trade Center's South Tower, seventeen minutes after the North Tower was hit by American Airlines flight 11.

The person filming appears to have been stood amongst a stunned crowd at the water's edge in central New York City and gasps can be heard, as the second plane appears as if out of nowhere.

When the plane crashes into the tower, causing a huge fireball, the crowd is heard screaming and someone says: "Did you see that? He did it on purpose!"

The never before seen clip reveals a horrifying angle of the events of September 11. Credit: YouTube/Kevin Westley
The never before seen clip reveals a horrifying angle of the events of September 11. Credit: YouTube/Kevin Westley

Since the shocking video was uploaded, it has been viewed more than 200,000 times and people have had a lot to say about it.


"This video is incredible. It doesn't zoom in on the 2nd plane. It's like you're there," another said, while someone else pointed out: "It’s so bizarre to see a new angle of something traumatic and disastrous that you’ve seen so many times before so many years later."


But many have been left feeling suspicious as to why the uploader has waited over two decades to release the footage, with one user asking: "Why did it take Kevin over 20 years to upload the best quality video of the 9-11 attacks?"

Last year saw the 20th anniversary of 9/11 arrive, and millions around the world came together to remember the 2,977 people who tragically lost their lives on that fateful day.

This includes Mercedes Martinez, who took to Twitter in a bid to track downthe seven people her 'hero' dad helpedon that very day.


Radio host Mercedes said her dad was flying from Ohio home to Denver when the pilot announced there had been a security breach and the plane needed to be grounded.

Aware something was wrong, Mercedes' dad hired a rental van before the plane had even landed and after disembarking and catching wind of what was going on, he rustled up a DIY sign saying: "Going to Denver."

He quickly filled the van with 'scared' strangers and drove from Omaha to Denver (more than 250 miles).

Each passenger was dropped right at their door, and he declined money for fuel or the cost of renting the van.



Featured Image Credit:YouTube/Kevin Westley

Topics:US News

Emily Puckering
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