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Man Bumps Into Rihanna In A Petrol Station In Barbados

Dominic Smithers

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Man Bumps Into Rihanna In A Petrol Station In Barbados

A man has said his 'Christmashas been made' after he bumped into Rihanna in a petrol station. You can see his encounter with the singer below:


Granted, the majority of us would probably prefer to see an end to theglobal coronavirus pandemic, but you can't always get what you want, and meeting RihRih isn't a bad alternative.

The lucky guy was at a gas station in Barbados when he saw the'Umbrella' singer picking up a few bits.


And not wanting to miss his chance, the fan approached Rihanna and asked her if she would record a short video message with him - which she was more than happy to do.

In the clip, the pair, who are wearing face coverings, can be seen standing close to one another.

The man says: "Herself, in person, Rihanna."

To which Rih then replies: "At a random gas station, we're not even buying gas, we're not even driving!"


Over the moon with the meeting, the man then says: "One in a million, my Christmas just got made early."

The lucky fan bumped into Rihanna in a petrol station in Barbados. Credit: Backgrid
The lucky fan bumped into Rihanna in a petrol station in Barbados. Credit: Backgrid

With the singer responding once more with: "Barbados!"

According to reports, Rihanna headed back to Barbados on her private jet so that she could be with her friends and family over the festive period.


And we're sure they will be happy to have the singer back afterfans recently called for her to replace the actual Queenas the country's Head of State.

Earlier this year, it was revealed thatQueen Elizabeth IIis set to be removed from the position by November 2021, with Prime Minister Mia Mottley announcing the Caribbean island is to become a republic.

While the country gained independence from Britain in 1966, the Queen still stands as the constitutional monarch.

Stating that it was time for Barbados to 'fully leave our colonial past behind',Mottley added: "Barbadians want a Barbadian Head of State.

Fans recently called for Rihanna to be named the new head of state for Barbados. Credit: PA
Fans recently called for Rihanna to be named the new head of state for Barbados. Credit: PA

"This is the ultimate statement of confidence in who we are and what we are capable of achieving.

"Hence, Barbados will take the next logical step toward full sovereignty and become a Republic by the time we celebrate our 55th Anniversary of Independence."

Fair enough. And it comes as no surprise that fans want the Barbadian 'We Found Love' singer to take Liz's spot.


Posting a link to the announcement, one person wrote onTwitter: "Big up Barbados for this," adding: "It's time for the rightful queen to sit upon her throne @rihanna."

"Rihanna didn't release new music because she will be queen of Barbados when Queen Elizabeth will be out," quipped another.

A third wrote: "I'm calling it now. Rihanna for queen of Barbados!"

Featured Image Credit:Backgrid

Topics:World News,必威ios下载,Music,Rihanna

Dominic Smithers
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