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Fortune Teller Nostradamus has made five chilling predictions for 2023

Poppy Bilderbeck

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Fortune Teller Nostradamus has made five chilling predictions for 2023

Five chilling predictions for 2023 have been revealed by French astrologer Michel de Nostradame.

Afterpredicting that King Charles III is set to abdicate the thronesoon after taking up the position of head of state following the death of女王伊丽莎白二世on 8 September, Nostradamus believers have since analysed what some of the astrologer's predictions could mean for 2023.

While French神秘占星家de Nostradame, who wrote the 6,338 prophecies, is long gone - having passed away on 2 July, 1566 - hisworldly predictionshave lived on with over 70 percent having been reported byYearly-Horoscopeas actually having come true.

If you believe in 16th century astrology and fortune telling, then prepare yourself.

French astrologer Michel de Nostradame has five predictions for 2023. Credit: mixtapedream/Alamy Stock photo
French astrologer Michel de Nostradame has five predictions for 2023. Credit: mixtapedream/Alamy Stock photo

首先,冲突Ukrainecaused by Russia's invasion is predicted by Nostradame as growing even bigger and even evolving into a full scale World War Three.

The forecast is based on a line Nostradame wrote, which reads: "Seven months the Great War, people dead of evil-doing."

However, it could also refer to the conflict going on in Southeast Asia betweenChinaand Taiwan and the possibility of nuclear-related conflict.


The conflict could be at risk of escalating sincethe US宣布将增加对Taiwan, approvinga $6.5 billion billto support the country's defence against China.

However, if you live in Rouen, a city located in northern France, you can breathe a sigh of relief, as according to Nostradame's prediction, 'Rouen, Evreux shall not fall to the King'.

It's not all doom and gloom in Nostradame's predictions though, as there could be a huge breakthrough inspacenext year.


The astrologer wrote that a light will 'fall' on Mars, suggesting an opening up of possibility - could humans end up visiting the fourth planet from the sun by 2023?

IfRichard Branson,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)orJeff Bezoshave anything to do with it, then maybe.

And as forPope Francis- he may be looking good for 85 years, but Nostradame has prophesied that the religious leader will step down by 2023, with a rather menacing leader taking his place.

The prediction reads: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will be Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.


"The End."

According to Nostradame, Pope Francis will no longer be pope next year. Credit: ZUMA Press Inc/Alamy Stock Photo
According to Nostradame, Pope Francis will no longer be pope next year. Credit: ZUMA Press Inc/Alamy Stock Photo

A 'celestial fire on the Royal edifice' has also been predicted by the astrologer, which suggests the whole world changing in a significant manner or it quite simply being the 'end of times' - take from that what you will.

However, Nostradame also speaks of a 'new world order', which will see the alliance of two powers - potentially a man and women - coming together.


Alas, he predicts it won't last long.


Featured Image Credit:Heritage Image Partnership Ltd/Sergii Tsololo/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics:King Charles III,Royal Family,Ukraine,Russia,Space

Poppy Bilderbeck
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