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Family Of 14-Year-Old Olympic Gold Winner Turn Down Offers Of A House And Cash

Claire Reid

| Last updated

Family Of 14-Year-Old Olympic Gold Winner Turn Down Offers Of A House And Cash

The family of a teenage Olympic gold medal winner have reportedly turned down offers of a free house and cash.

Fourteen-year-olddiverQuan Hongchan, from China, picked up a gold at the games and has been flooded with generous offers since her motivations for competing were revealed.

Following her win in the women's 10m platform, the teen said she was hoping to bring in enough cash to help support her family of seven after her mother was left injured in an accident four years ago.

Credit: PA
Credit: PA

According toSouth China Morning Post, Quan told reporters: "My mum is ill. I don't know what illness she has because I don't know how to pronounce that character. I just want to make money to get her medical treatment. I need to make a lot of money to cure her illness."

What a little hero, eh?

As a result of her incredible win, people and businesses in China have reached out to the family with offers of cash, gifts and even property, including 200,000 yuan (£22,293) cash.

Quan, who lives in Maihe in Guangdong, a province in South China, was even offered specialised medical treatment from a hospital in Zhanjiang for her mum and her sick grandfather.


According to the Global Times, 'three enterprises in Zhanjiang will provide her with a house, tuck shop and bonus to her, according to the Zhanjiang City Federation of Industry and Commerce'.

Credit: PA
Credit: PA

And it's not just high ticket items like houses and shops - Quan and her family have also been offered lifetime passes to amusement parks and other attractions.

However, Quan's dad Quan Wenmao, an orange farmer, has reportedly turned down the freebies.


Speaking three days after his daughter's win, he told Southern Metropolis Daily: "I thank them for coming. But I did not take anything. I did not take a penny."

The teen's impressive win has meant her home became a bit of a tourist hot spot, with locals flocking to see where she grew up.

Credit: PA
Credit: PA

But visitors have since been told to stay away, amid fears it could turn the area into a coronavirus hotspot.


Quan's dad is also keen for people to keep away, he added: "They can just send their regards. There's no need to come here. It's disturbing their lives and ours too, isn't it?"

Featured Image Credit:PA


Claire Reid
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