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UK is trialling new noise detection cameras that all drivers need to be aware of

Anish Vij

| Last updated

UK is trialling new noise detection cameras that all drivers need to be aware of

The UK is implementing 'noise camera' trials to detect rowdy drivers and to reduce noise pollution. Watch an explainer video below:


The Department for Transport (DfT) is trying to crack down on范·迪塞尔wannabes who use illegal exhausts and love to rev their engines up on quiet roads.

A whopping £300,000 has been invested into the new scheme.


Although that sounds like a lot of dosh, the annual social cost of road noise pollution currently stands at around £10 billion, the DfT says.

Bradford, South Gloucestershire, near Bristol, Great Yarmouth and Birmingham are the declared winners of a nationwide competition to host the new-agecameras.

The new technology basically uses a video camera with a load of microphones to accurately pinpoint noisy vehicles as they pass by.

The camera will take a snap of the vehicle and record the noise level to create a digital package of evidence, which can be used by local police to issue fines.


The DfT says: "Road noise is known to contribute to health problems, such as heart attacks, strokes and dementia, and the annual social cost of urban road noise, including lost productivity from sleep disturbance and health costs is estimated to be up to £10 billion."

The UK is implementing 'noise camera' trials to detect rowdy drivers and to reduce noise pollution. Credit: Pexels
The UK is implementing 'noise camera' trials to detect rowdy drivers and to reduce noise pollution. Credit: Pexels

Transport Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan said: "Rowdy road drivers beware – these new cameras will help the police clampdown on those who break the legal noise limits or use illegal modified exhausts to make excessive noise in our communities.

"We’ll be working closely with the local authorities and police to share any findings, and I hope that this technology paves the way for quieter, peaceful streets across the country."


Meanwhile, Noise Abatement Society chief executive Gloria Elliott OBE said: "Excessively noisyvehiclesand anti-social driving causes disturbance, stress, anxiety and pain to many.

"It is unsafe and disrupts the environment and people’s peaceful enjoyment of their homes and public places.

"Communities across the UK are increasingly suffering from this entirely avoidable blight.

"The Noise Abatement Society applauds rigorous, effective, evidence-based solutions to address this issue and protect the public."

英国的运输部正在试图打击使用非法排气和热爱将引擎在安静的道路上翻新的Vin Diesel Wannabes。图片来源:pexels
英国的运输部正在试图打击使用非法排气和热爱将引擎在安静的道路上翻新的Vin Diesel Wannabes。图片来源:pexels

Atkins Jacobs Joint Venture Practice Director, Andrew Pearce, added: "The real-world trials of the technology solution the Atkins Jacobs JV has developed and tested on the track is an important step for the scheme towards solving a problem that affects many communities across the UK.

"We are fully expecting the trial in these four chosen locations to confirm what we have seen in testing, which is a highly targeted use oftechnologyto ensure only those motorists making excessive noise will be subject to enforcement."

The trials took place on 18 October and will continue for two months after that date.

Featured Image Credit:Justin Kase ztwoz / Alamy Stock Photo / Alistair Scott / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics:UK News,Cars,Technology

Anish Vij
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