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People Are Cracking Up At Vatican Translator's Face During Biden Trip Compared To Trump

Dominic Smithers

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People Are Cracking Up At Vatican Translator's Face During Biden Trip Compared To Trump

Featured Image Credit:Twitter/@TheRecount

The Vatican's translator has had people in stitches today (30 October) after footage emerged of her reacting toJoe Biden'svisit compared to that of a previous meeting with former US President Donald Trump. Watch below:


Joe Biden was inRomeyesterday (29 October) as part of a European trip which will see him head to the Cop26 climate summit in Scotland over the coming days.

And while it should probably come as no surprise that Biden and Trump have different styles when it comes to international diplomacy, the clips posted to Twitter byThe Recounthave shown them with painful clarity.


In one of the videos, the translator can be seen smiling and laughing at Biden's jokes, seemingly having a jolly old time.

However, in the second clip, with Trump, she has the look of someone who has just watched on as a stranger has come through her front door on Christmas Day and taken a colossal dump on the turkey.

You get the idea.

Credit: Alamy
Credit: Alamy

Speaking about the footage, the formerObamaWhite HouseCommunications Director Jennifer Palmieri said it was "amazing".

And she wasn't the only one stunned by the contrast.

Commenting online, one viewer said: "This made me laugh hysterically. Her picture with Trump: 'This is unreal...did I hear that wrong?...do you REALLY want me to translate THAT?...am I the only one getting this?...have I entered an alternative universe?...is this a joke?...am I on Candid Camera?'"

Echoing the bemusement, another quipped: "She only had to endure him for a few hours. That was my face during the four years of his presidency."


This comes as some of the world's most powerful countries descend on Glasgow for the Cop26 summit, where leaders will discuss how they plan to tackle climate change.

Credit: Alamy
Credit: Alamy

In other, totally unrelated, news,raw sewage was dumped into the sea for 49 hours straightin Langstone Harbour, Hampshire, last week.

Photographer Chris Pearsall captured the footage and told theBBCthat 'it needs to stop'.


The pipe, also known as an outfall, is seven feet wide and sewage poured out of it for 49 hours.

Chris explained: "I launched my go[pro] from 100 metres over there and once I was flying over the top looking at the screen, I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Credit: Alamy
Credit: Alamy

"The general reaction from people on social media who have seen the film now - they really are astonished at quite how much of this is happening.


"And it's happening right along our coastline and quite similarly it needs to stop."

It comes after the UK government voted overwhelmingly against an amendment to theEnvironment Billthat would have put legal duties on water companies to reduce discharges.

The government has since announced a partial u-turn on this move, stating that water companies will now have a duty to reduce sewage overspills.

Topics:joe biden,US Politics,US News,US President,Twitter,Donald Trump,Politics

Dominic Smithers
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