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Aussie woman slammed for saying beauty magazines shouldn’t promote plus-sized models

Charisa Bossinakis

| Last updated

Aussie woman slammed for saying beauty magazines shouldn’t promote plus-sized models

Featured Image Credit:tess.holiday / Instagram

An Australian woman has absolutely scolded the fashion industry for promoting ‘curve models’, slamming it as ‘unhealthy’.

ATikTokuploaded by Common Ground Conversations, a channel that asks everyday pedestrians controversial questions outside Melbourne’sFlindersStreet Station, quizzed the woman how she feels about ‘bodypositivity’.

As the interviewer held up a photo of Tess Holiday’s cover on Cosmopolitan, the woman yells: “I can’t look at that.”


The interviewer then asks if she considers models with Tess’ stature as ‘healthy’ or ‘beautiful'.

The woman responded with a firm: “No.”

She added: “Do you want a fat person waddling? They can’t walk because their thighs are so big. It’s not healthy, and it doesn’t look good. Maybe I’m politically incorrect; I don’t give a s**t.”

Politically incorrect is a funny way of saying rude.


The host asked: “What would you say is bodypositivitydone right?”

The woman advised: “Eat healthy, not too much sugar, everything in moderation.”

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As you can imagine, the comment section ran wild, with many slamming the woman for her bold statements.

One person wrote: “Can’t believe these comments.”

Another commented: “The body positive movement isn’t telling u that every body is healthy, it’s saying u don’t have to hateurselffor the bodyurin.”

A third person wrote: “Just when i start to become slightly more confident and happy about my weight- i see a video and comments like this.”


Some applauded her for her honesty, with one person saying: “She’s based and not afraid to speak out. Be like her people.”

Another commented: “Love you lady. tell it like it is.”

Back in 2018, the Cosmopolitan cover copped an intense amount of backlash, with many criticising the magazine for promoting unhealthy bodies while challenging societal beauty norms.


But the model and author clapped back at her trolls while thanking the magazine for granting her this ‘incredible opportunity’.

She added: “If I saw a body like mine on this magazine when I was a young girl, it would have changed my life”.

Cosmopolitan’seditor-in-chiefFarrahStorralso defended the cover bywriting: “Some people’s stories and strength of spirit are too important to ignore.

"Tess Holiday’s story is about so much more than her body.

"Please read it, pass it on to women you know and realise that the secret to surviving in a tough world is by being even tougher.”

Topics:Social Media,TikTok,Health

Charisa Bossinakis
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