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Chloe Ferry Reportedly Sacked From Geordie Shore For Assaulting Zahida Allen

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Chloe Ferry Reportedly Sacked From Geordie Shore For Assaulting Zahida Allen

Chloe Ferry has reportedly been fired from reality show Geordie Shore.

Producers of the MTV series made the decision after Ferry was alleged to have assaulted newbie housemate Zahida Allen.

Ferry apparently saw Zahida cuddling up to her ex Marty McKenna in a club, before lashing out. She was kicked out by bouncers.


A source told The Sun: "Chloe was completely mortal. She kicked off in the club after seeing Marty holding hands with Zahida. She was totally radge. Chloe had been drinking all night and just lost it. She was kicked out and sent home in a cab."


It didn't there. Back at the Geordie Shore house, Chloe grappled Zihada to the ground upon her entrance, before proceeding to kick her in the head.

The source added, "It's not looking good for Chloe. It's not clear if she'll be allowed to return for the rest of the series."

MTV are yet to comment on the allegations.

Featured image credit: chloegshore1

Topics:Geordie Shore

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