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Commuters Refusing To Give Pensioner Seat Labelled A 'Fucking Disgrace'

Mark McGowan

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Commuters Refusing To Give Pensioner Seat Labelled A 'Fucking Disgrace'

I think we can all agree that being on a train is a pain in the arse. They're small, clammy, with no leg room and you're given less room than Osama Bin Laden had in his hidey-hole. As a nation, we hate it.

However, despite our deep lying hatred for public transport, we all know the certain protocols. Even if you're in a seat, should someone with a disability, a pregnant woman or an elderly person board the train, you ask them if they'd like to sit down, and have your seat.

A picture showing the exact opposite of that has gone viral, with an old man, with a walking stick, having to stand in the middle of a busy London tube.

Credit: Facebook

A Facebook user called Piotr Skupnyposted the picture in the group Shit London. The man was allegedly travelling on the Circle Line, where people wouldn't budge to get the pensioner a seat.

People were quick to comment on the photo, damning the actions of those in it, and rightly so.

One commented said it was a 'fucking disgrace', with another questioning why the man taking the picture didn't actually do anything himself.

Ether way, everyone should have the decency to offer an elder their seat. It's common knowledge, common sense, and common decency.

Featured image credit: Facebook

Topics:58必威 ,London

Mark McGowan
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