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Cop allegedly uttered 'three words' before tasering 95-year-old woman in her nursing home

Rachel Lang

| Last updated

Cop allegedly uttered 'three words' before tasering 95-year-old woman in her nursing home

New reports have indicated the shocking words allegedly uttered by an Australian police officer moments before 95-year-old Clare Nowland was tased.

Nowland, who weighed 45-kilograms and suffered from dementia,was taseredby a New South Wales police officer just over one week ago.

On May 17, the elderly woman grabbed a knife from the kitchen of Yallambee Lodge, the NSW aged care facility she called home, and took it with her as she shuffled around on her walking frame.

Clare Nowland was known for her zest for life and even went skydiving on her 80th birthday. Credit: ABC
Clare Nowland was known for her zest for life and even went skydiving on her 80th birthday. Credit: ABC

Police were called to the nursing home, which was when 33-year Constable Kristian White attempted to disarm the dementia patient by firing a taser at her twice.

After the projectile weapon hit, she fell to the ground and hit her head, fracturing her skull.

Shedied in palliative careone week later.

White has beensuspended with payfrom his job with the NSW Police Force.


Fresh information has now come to light about the fateful day on which Nowland was tasered.

The Daily Telegraphhas reported insider information from the police investigation that looked into the events leading up to Nowland's tasering.

Senior Constable Kristian White and another female acting sergeant were on the scene along with ambulance officers as police attempted to have the 95-year-old hand over the steak knife.

Stock image of a taser being discharged. Credit: PA Images / Alamy
Stock image of a taser being discharged. Credit: PA Images / Alamy

The elderly woman with dementia slowly rose to her feet and began shuffling towards police while still holding the knife and her walking frame.

According toThe Daily Telegraph, the female police sergeant allegedly told Constable White that she could ‘take [the knife] off her'.

The news outlet added that White then sparked the taser as a warning to the 45-kilogram elderly woman.

The Daily Telegraph andSydney Morning Heraldboth report that when she did not stop slowly moving towards them, it is alleged he said: "No, bugger it."


He then fired the taser.

It is understood Nowland allegedly then fell backwards and hit her head, which fractured her skull.

95-year-old Clare Nowland has died after being tasered by NSW Police. Credit: 7 News
95-year-old Clare Nowland has died after being tasered by NSW Police. Credit: 7 News

She was then rushed to Cooma Hospital while she was 'in and out of consciousness'.


White hassince been chargedwith recklessly inflicting grievous bodily harm, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and assault.

However, a Sydney barristerhas warnedhe may wind up facing a manslaughter or murder charge in the wake of the woman's death.

White's lawyer Warwick Anderson told9Newshis client will be defending the charges.

"At this stage I'd anticipate he would enter a plea of not guilty - all of these matters will be reviewed when a brief of evidence is received," Anderson said.

NSW Police were approached for comment.

Featured Image Credit:Keitma / Alamy Stock Photo. 9News

Topics:58必威 ,Crime,Australia

Rachel Lang
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