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乔·斯基尔科夫斯基(Joe Skirkowski)



Featured Image Credit:Kevin Britland/Alamy Stock Photo



因此,人们正在努力应对生活成本,也就不足为奇了。Don’t Pay运动认为他们有一个解决方案:从10月1日起大规模抵制能源费用。


能源公司对燃料费用上涨面临强烈反对。学分:霍斯特·弗里德里希(Horst Friedrichs) /阿拉米(Alamy)库存照片
能源公司对燃料费用上涨面临强烈反对。学分:霍斯特·弗里德里希(Horst Friedrichs) /阿拉米(Alamy)库存照片

The idea behind Don't Pay is that if one million households refuse to cough up, then energy companies (some of which are enjoyingrecord profits)将被迫进行谈判。

杰弗里·詹姆斯(Jeffrey James),之一群组'S组织者告诉LADBIBLE:“我们要求将账单降低到负担得起的水平。这意味着[英国的能源监管机构] OFGEM将不得不废除十月的徒步旅行,而政府必须干预以保护人们而不是能源公司的利润。”

While there have been no such assurances from Ofgem, Don’t Pay is gaining momentum with more than 100,000 pledges to strike (their goal is 1 million).



When the new price rises come in, it could push8.5 millionhouseholds into fuel poverty by Christmas. In other words, one in three UK households could be unable to heat their homes.

This crisis comes as energy companies announced huge增加in profits since the initial price hike.

Martin Lewis believes we're heading for a 'poll tax moment'. Credit: PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo
Martin Lewis believes we're heading for a 'poll tax moment'. Credit: PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

Has this ever happened before?

The movement isn’t completely unheard of. In 1989 the Thatcher government introduced the poll tax – this was effectively a tax on everyone regardless of wealth. The move caused a public outcry and a payment boycott by an estimated 17 million people – the tax was ultimately scrapped in 1991, although later replaced with council tax.

不要付钱称抵制是一种灵感,金钱专家马丁·刘易斯(Martin Lewis)警告英国正在“朝着民意调查时刻”。But experts warn that a boycott of legally produced utilities by is very different from one against an elected body…

Could I be prosecuted if I take part?

“In the 1970s there was a boycott in Germany by some who morally objected to nuclear power,” Garry Gabison, senior lecturer of Law, Economics and Regulations at Queen Mary University, tells LADbible.



今年冬天,成千上万的家庭面临陷入燃料贫困。学分:Stephen Frost / Alamy Stock Photo
今年冬天,成千上万的家庭面临陷入燃料贫困。学分:Stephen Frost / Alamy Stock Photo


Aside from the worrying prospect of being taken to court, your debt could in theory be passed onto a debt collection agency.

“If a million people took part, energy companies would lose £100-£150million a month,” Gary Gabison explains. “Companies would then want to enforce their contracts – if for nothing else than to deter future boycotts. But because this is a boycott of services rendered, they have various ways to answer which could involve lawsuits and cutting off [customers’] energy supplies.

“Utility companies are legally obliged to work with customers to find solutions but, if someone is not cooperating, they could be required to install a pre-payment meter which would make it impossible to boycott.


“This would involve merging different cases, but it would be on the consumers to carry the costs. So while it might lead to resolutions, customers may see it differently in retrospect.”


There may also be further financial implications, warns Rocio Concha, director of policy and advocacy at Which?.

“If consumers decide to stop paying, it could have a serious impact on their financial situations, affect their credit rating and make it harder to take out loans, credit cards and mortgages,” he explains. “These customers would also likely be moved from direct debits to more expensive payment options.”

The government's Department for Business, Enterprise and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has also warned that refusing to pay could push energy prices even higher, in addition to the potential impact on personal debt and credit ratings.

不要薪水承认参加抵制的风险:“我们要求人们对扣留付款的个人风险有明智的选择,”杰弗里·詹姆斯(Jeffrey James)说。“我们已经在我们的网站上发布了信息,并正在制作解释性视频,但坚持认为无所事事是更大的风险。

“我们所说的是了解罢工和无所事事的风险,但也了解,如果数百万行动将改变无偿处理方式 - 这将成为一个政治问题。它将大大改变普通百姓的力量平衡和代理。”

Hundreds of thousands of Brits have pledged to 'boycott' energy bills this winter. Credit: Alex Hinds / Alamy Stock Photo
Hundreds of thousands of Brits have pledged to 'boycott' energy bills this winter. Credit: Alex Hinds / Alamy Stock Photo


Consumer charities and energy companies are encouraging customers to explore alternative methods if they can’t pay. One suggestion is to negotiate an alternative payment plan with their provider, but this fails to consider that many simply won’t have the money to pay and endlessly accruing debt is an unsustainable solution. This has led some to ask if energy companies would really be able to extract the funds owed from them.

Will the government help?

The UK won’t know who will replace Boris Johnson until September, just weeks before the increase – leading to doubts about what protections will be available.


Experts warn that boycotting your bills could plunge you further into debt. Credit: J Hayward / Alamy Stock Photo
Experts warn that boycotting your bills could plunge you further into debt. Credit: J Hayward / Alamy Stock Photo


A spokesperson for Ofgem told LADbible“我们知道人们承受着巨大的压力,但我们认为不支付账单并不符合消费者的最大利益,并且大多数领先的慈善机构和消费者团体都同意。

“The knock-on effects of not paying bills can be huge for people. They could lose their direct debit discounts or be forced to move to a pre-payment meter. It could also damage their credit rating.


What do the energy companies say?


OVO Energy发言人告诉LaDbible:“我们鼓励我们的任何客户都在努力为自己的能量付费以取得联系,并知道我们在类似情况下为许多人提供了支持,我们也可以为您提供支持。

“There are different options – such as setting up a payment plan, which spreads the cost of energy to make it more manageable. Our dedicated team can also make sure customers receive any financial assistance from the government that they're eligible for – and explain available payment support schemes.”

话题:Money,,,,58必威 ,,,,英国新必威杯足球闻

乔·斯基尔科夫斯基(Joe Skirkowski)

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