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Man Who Weighs 500lbs Eats 10,000 Calories A Day To Satisfy OnlyFans Followers

Amelia Ward

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Man Who Weighs 500lbs Eats 10,000 Calories A Day To Satisfy OnlyFans Followers

A man has hit about 500lbs (227kg) after eating more than 10,000 calories a day to please hisOnlyFansfollowers.

Gainer Bull, 44, started to put on weight over 20 years ago, when he weighed about 180lbs. Since then he has become part of a 'fat fetish' community and has seen his belly balloon.

ThePalm Beachresident, whose real name is Bryan, says that he is part of an 'erotic weight gain' subculture, which means he enjoys gaining weight and he takes part in regular 'loading sessions' online.

Credit: Instagram/@gainer_bull
Credit: Instagram/@gainer_bull

Bryan wanted to gain weight in this way from an early age.

Speaking toMetro, he said: "I can't say anything in particular got me into gaining. I can remember being as young as six and watching cartoons with exaggerated body proportions of muscle and bellies that just caught my interest as an ideal.

"In my teens I started working out and in my early twenties I started to work on bulking up my gut as well."

But Bryan needs a way to fund his indulgent diet, and so to keep up with his high calorie lifestyle, he decided to create an OnlyFans account, where he knew there was a market for it.

Credit: Instagram/@gainer_bull
Credit: Instagram/@gainer_bull

Although he doesn't disclose exactly how many people pay him to eat, he said: "My followers do know the more subscribers I get, the faster I'm growing larger.

"A typical day these days is consuming ten thousand calories a day, more if I can."

But Bryan says that he has to work at his desired body type.


He said: "I don't gain easily so it's always been an uphill battle. The bigger I get the more challenging it gets too.

"It's been years of escalating my intake and binging to increase my capacity, but these days just the regular eating keeps me going though sometimes an encourager or two like to really push me to go much farther."

Bryan explained: "In a meal that would stuff me, in terms of fast foods, it'd be three large combos with anywhere from three to six additional sides.


"Extreme body size is risky and I do my best to balance out the junk food with nutrition. I make sure to eat lots of fruits and vegetables as well as lots of high protein foods while keeping active in the gym. It's a challenge but it's important to understand the risks involved with becoming such an extreme level of huge."

He added: "It's been really great having men who understand my desire to grow encourage and push me."

Featured Image Credit:Instagram/@gainer_bull


Amelia Ward
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