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Teen Left Bedridden By 44lb Tumour Oh Thigh And Hip

Jess Hardiman

| Last updated

​Teen Left Bedridden By 44lb Tumour Oh Thigh And Hip

A teenager in Pakistan has been left bedridden thanks to a 44lb tumour that has engulfed his thigh and hip.



Muhammad Essa Pallari, 18, is currently awaiting a life-changing surgery to remove the tumour - which originally started as no bigger than 'a table tennis ball', but has grown rapidly in the past year.

The teenager, who is from Nooriabad in Karachi, Pakistan, suffers from plexiform Neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder that affects the normal growth and development of cell tissue.

His left leg remains unaffected, but his right leg above the knee has swollen so much that he is no longer able to stand on his feet or walk even a few steps.

Essa apparently had no issues as a child, but things changed when he was 13.

His father, Allah Dino, 52, said: "Five years ago, Essa noticed swelling in his right thigh not bigger than a table tennis ball.

"We ignored the tumour initially and it kept growing. In the last year it has grown more rapidly.

"He has since been completely bedridden and needs help in everything from changing clothes to going to washroom. We are worried about his future."

Credit: StoryTrender
Credit: StoryTrender

A recent hospital check has revealed that the tumour had actually increased to more than 44lbs in weight and nearly 50cm in size.

Allah Dino, a father of seven children including six daughters, works as a tractor driver and earns just £4 ($5.70) a day.

"I couldn't took my son to any good hospital on time because I didn't have the resources," he said.

However, the family's fate changed when, earlier this month, a social activist called Zulfiqar Solangi posted Essa's pictures on Facebook and asked people to help him.

This was when local government intervened and Essa offered him free treatment, and he was transported to Dr Ruth Pfau Hospital in Karachi earlier this week.

Credit: StoryTrender
Credit: StoryTrender

Zulfiqar Solangi said: "The family was too poor they didn't had the resources to even afford travel and staying expense in Karachi thats why his tumour grew up to such an unbelievable size.

"I came to know about him two months ago and that time his tumour was only on his thigh but now the right side of his lower back is all covered with huge tumour."

Dr Naushad Sheikh said: "This is the case of plexiform Neurofibromatosis. The tumour can be removed through a surgery.

"We are constituting a panel of doctors including neurosurgeons and plastic surgeons within couple of days which will decide the further course and date of operation.

"Had this case been reported earlier the tumour would not have grown this bigger."

Essa's father will be accompanying him to the hospital for the treatment, and is hopeful for a successful surgery.

"I pray to God and hope everything goes well. I hope the tumour would be successfully removed so that my son can live a normal life," Allah Dino added.

Featured Image Credit:StoryTrender

Topics:World News,58必威 ,Pakistan,Health

Jess Hardiman
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