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Rishi Sunak admits someone had to teach him how to use contactless card

Claire Reid

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Rishi Sunak admits someone had to teach him how to use contactless card

Rishi Sunakhas admitted that he ‘struggled’ to pay using his card at a petrol station but has since been ‘taught how to use that contactless machine’.

Back in March, Sunak - who was Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time -went viral after he was filmed attempting to pay at a garage.

In the footage, Sunak tried to purchase a can of Coca-Cola but when the worker held up the barcode scanner Sunak attempted to use his bank card, before the staff member pointed out that he should actually be using the PDQ machine.

Now, the Conservative leader hopeful has admitted that it was the ‘most embarrassing’ thing that's happened to him, which is a fair point - it was quite cringey.

Speaking at a Tory leadership hustings in Darlington, Sunak said: “The most embarrassing thing that's happened to me is I struggled to pay for the petrol in a car that wasn't my own.

“Right? So I think you all know about that, right?

“And since then someone's taught me how to use that contactless machine.

“And I tell you, it's an amazing modern marvel this technology these days!”

Not being able to use a contactless payment machine wasn’t the only gaffe during the photo opportunity event in March.

Sunak was also called out for posing for a shot in which he was filling up Kia Rio - a car that costs around £13,000 new.

Many people refused to believe that Sunak - who is married to a multimillionaire - would be tootling around in such a modest vehicle.

It was later revealed that the car in question actually belonged to an employee at the Sainsbury's branch the photoshoot was held.

However, Sunak is reported to have put his hand in his pocket and stump up for the petrol.

Last month, an embarrassing 2007 clip resurfaced showingSunakclaiming he ‘doesn’t haveany working class friends’.

Speaking on the BBC’s 2007 documentary seriesMiddle Classes: Their Rise and Sprawl,a youthful-lookingSunakexplained: "I have friends who are aristocrats, I have friends who are upper class, I have friends who are working-class... well, not working class."

The clip resurfaced shortly after Sunak announced his leadership bid on Twitter in July, writing: “I’m standing to be the next leader of the Conservative Party and your Prime Minister. Let’s restore trust, rebuild the economy and reunite the country. #Ready4Rishi.”

Featured Image Credit:HM Treasury/Sky News

Topics:UK News,Politics,Rishi Sunak

Claire Reid
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