
The Chicken Connoisseur Has Fucking Ruined It For Everyone

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The Chicken Connoisseur Has Fucking Ruined It For Everyone

When baby-faced 23-year-old Elijah Quashie became on overnight Internet sensation thanks to his YouTube channel 'The Pengest Munch', he was probably unaware that, much like Miles Dyson in终结者2,he was actually bringing around the destruction of the very thing he was trying to propel into the limelight; the very essence of his being.


这不是您为此做的。信用:The Chicken Connoisseur


This news is brought to us, ironically, byTime Out London,现在的全球生活方式品牌也许以其食品评论而闻名。

For instance, and as cited by Time Out, he gave a top notch review of Eden Cottage in Finsbury Park just in November, stating: "I can't say I've had a better wing... and bossman was on point with the strip burger. Head down to Finsbury Park Eden's across the road from the Arsenal shop." - this cost him £1.99 at the time, now disgustingly priced at £2.49.

Then there's this tweet, which is fair banter.


I would ask my hipster mate Stefan about it all, but I know he's probably tried all of Quashie's top suggestions and I'm not in the mood for him right now. And he also looks like he might genuinely be the guy on the far left of that tweet if he's had a massively heavy night. I daren't ask him, to be honest.

在伊甸商店工作的坎加·萨兰(Kanga Saran)告诉The Evening Standard:"We have lots of new faces now and big queues.


"We hadn't changed the prices in five years so we re-did the menu and everything has gone up a little bit. I think we are more popular now because we got that good review, people from outside the area are coming to our shop."



In essence,beards and beer.


My sentiments on craft beer echo that of colleague James Dawson, whose piece titled:是时候从Wankers那里收取啤酒并承认Artisan Ale的狗屎了couldn't be more accurate. In his assertion, James states:

"Meet the beer hipsters, the so-called connoisseurs. The drinkers of artisan brews that are supposedly crafted with the kind of love that standard bevvies like Carlsberh and Tetley'saren't.

"That's the appeal of these 'special' and 'local' brews to lots of people. But personally I don't buy the marketing one iota - and I think it's time we reclaimed lagers and bitters as the proper pub choice they should be.

"I'm not saying I have anything against you if these soap-tasting pints of piss are your tipple of choice, but what I would say is that there are lots of blokes who have only got into it since it became trendy - when deep down inside they'd rather be drinking a pint of Kronenberg or Bud."


He expands: "The main thing driving people to buy micro-brewed ale is snobbery. It's a way for smug, self-satisfied wankers to say 'I'm better than you'. It's a bullshit intellectualisation of pints, a way of them saying: 'I think about the beer I put in my body, why don't you?', it's the same people who act as though eating ready-meals and takeaways makes you thick.



Of course, if you don't agree with him, you can always let him know on推特.


The Sabotage Timesknows where it's at when it wrote an open letter to hipsters to shave the shit off their face. The article asks: "With every hipster hiding their face under some contrived lie of a beard, how can you tell between the real men and the poseurs these days..."

And it's a very good question!

The Guardian,在一篇名为“六件事hipsters毁了”的文章中,如果这说着这么说:“面部皮草曾经是为耐心的户外运动员,折磨的诗人和地理老师。维护,是剃须的懒惰替代品。现在,它们像谱系贵宾犬一样修剪,底漆,打蜡和修剪。在10个酷猫中,有8只喜欢晶须。"

According to the Guardian, they've also ruined festivals, exercise, James Bond, Pret A Manger and breakfast. To be honest, whenever I see the word 'artisan' I replace it in my head with 'we will charge you £3 more than you should pay for this and give it you in some rusty old pot', and I believe that is an extension of the hipster movement.

Featured Image Credit:The Chicken Connoisseur


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