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Man Warns Of Dangers Of Vaping After His E-Cigarette Explodes

Patrick Hulbert

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Man Warns Of Dangers Of Vaping After His E-Cigarette Explodes

Andrew Hall just posted a terrifying story on Facebook.

He's in the ICU after his vaping kit exploded! He had been trying to quit smoking and after a year of vaping felt it was helping. Then out of the blue - it exploded in his face. Here is his message.

Credit: Andrew Hall/Facebook

Even Andrew admits this sounds like a hoax, "I would have said 'no way that's possible' until now."

It did a lot of damage. Andrew lost seven teeth, has degree burns to face and neck and has been pulling chunks of plastic, teeth and foreign objects from his mouth, throat and lips. The room he was in when the vaping kit exploded has also suffered serious damage.

Credit: Andrew Hall/Facebook

Credit: Andrew Hall/Facebook

Absolutely terrifying! But Andrew says he's doing ok now and he was very lucky and he's slowly healing. He wants to warn people that this can happen - so far no news why it blew up and no e-cigarette companies have commented.

Words Laura Hamilton

Patrick Hulbert
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