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柯林·杰克逊(Colin Jackson)已被证明是有史以来最好的跨栏运动员之一


柯林·杰克逊(Colin Jackson)已被证明是有史以来最好的跨栏运动员之一

From mental health hacks to multitasking tips, allow the former world champion hurdler to impart his winning philosophy for success.



As one of most successful British track athletes of all time, Colin Jackson didn’t just set World Records while hurdling - he blew them out of the water, laying down markers that remained unmatched for decades (his time of 7.30 seconds in the 60m hurdles stood for over 26 years).

Well, you’ll be glad to know he’s remained as humble and classy off the track as he was on it, possessing a zeal for life that is both infectious and speaks volumes for a guy who was told at 15 that he should give up running for the pain it would cause his knees.


Alongside his coaching and TV broadcasting work, Jackson is also Sports Director for Wings for Life World Run, a global running event raising money for spinal cord injury research. And now he’s paying it forward once again by imparting some life advice for anyone who wants to make 2022 their own.



Find a passion point that puts things into perspective

“Unless it’s affected someone close to you then you might not know much about spinal cord injury. I certainly didn’t when I first got involved with Wings for Life World Run. Movement should be seen as a luxury. Coming out of the pandemic we’ve already realised how many things we’ve taken for granted, such as going out for dinner or to the cinema, and that’s no different for full body movement. Appreciate what you’ve got and try to find something that inspires you into making a difference, like WFLWR.”




Breathing deeply might change your life

“From the moment we’re born breathing is automatic, we don’t even think about. Very rarely do we breathe deeply, but we should because shallow breathing can create anxiety. Start by taking a really deep breath until you feel it right in the core of your lungs. This can give you a sense of calm, making you think clearer and take far more positive decisions as a result. These decisions might change your life, save your life, inspire somebody else or give the right sort of information when needed. I’d recommend a 10-minute deep breathing class for anyone – it could make a huge difference.”





“When I retired from athletics, I found multitasking incredibly difficult. Where I previously only had to focus on one thing and everything pointed in the same direction, suddenly everyone wanted a piece of me, and I couldn’t give my all to everything. The turning point was when I began to really prioritise tasks. Now if I’m working with TV for an Olympic Games, I won’t start studying the hurdles for day six if the 100m is on day one. I wanted perfection in my early sporting career but later realised that excellence is often enough to win, and that goes across life too. It’s much easier to deliver 90 percent at five projects than delivering 100 percent on two projects.”

Finding a mentor can be great for your mental health





“Upskilling is one of the most important things you can do. Don’t ever just sit there and rest. Every day I want to learn something new, or give myself a challenge, so that I can ultimately be a better person. I learnt to ski when I was 36. I learnt to snowboard when I was 42. Last year I even tried to re-learn the Welsh Language. Admittedly it was one of the most frustrating things I’ve ever done - I could understand people but couldn’t communicate back - but there was progress. Learn a few words in French, in Italian, or German, and before you know it you might be having a full-blown conversation.”


“认识到有时迷恋可能很危险,这是我作为运动员发现的。您必须有一段时间的大脑和身体可以关闭的时间,因为休息与300 [m] s一样好。当您学习考试时,也是如此,您正在寻找一段段落,但什么也没有发生。如果在15分钟后仍然没有沉没,将其放下,重新接触其他东西并回到它 - 并不意味着您很懒惰,您很聪明。否则,您将不会学习任何东西,这将导致您焦虑。”


“People would talk to me about World Records during my running career, but I didn’t see them as World Records, it was just my PB. In 2009 I spoke to Jenson Button for [BBC show] , just after he became World Champion. He told me that when he was starting off, he just wanted to the best driver he could be. At six or eight years old he had no idea what it would be like, the exercise, the diets, the focus, all the travel when you’re tired but you still have to arrive looking a million dollars and you just want to go to bed, but the basics remained. Focus. Concentration. Inspiration. Dedication. Commitment - all of this has to come together if you want to conquer anything, whether that’s an exam or an F1 World title.”

Embracing nature is good for the soul

When I used to go into the office at Red Shoes [Jackson’s production company], I’d tell the staff, ‘Pack up, let’s go to the beach, ’as there’s a massive one nearby and it always got us creative. Nothing beats that sense of wow. There are some people who walk past some flowers and remark what a beautiful colour they are; then there are people who will walk to the flowers, smell them and have a full-on appreciation of what they’re seeing. Life’s like that. Whatever it is you want to do, try and have a full-on appreciation for it and not just at surface level.”

单词:乔·埃里森(Joe Ellison)


话题:58必威外网 ,,,,Ireland,,,,58必威

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